Frequently Asked Questions
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Coronavirus Update (COVID-19 Information).
The Shrewsbury Recorders Consort is following Government guidance relating to the current situation with COVID-19.
The Shrewsbury Recorders Consort is ensuring that it keeps up to date with any Government guidance that has been released in relation to the COVID-19 virus. We are regularly reviewing our processes to ensure that they align with guidance. Our priority is the safety and wellbeing of all our audiences and musicians.
General advice for preventing the spread of infections such as Covid, colds and Influenza.
We are a group of around 20 members sitting close together blowing a lot of air down our recorders. We would like to take this opportunity to remind you of how you can help to reduce the spread of infection by ensuring you:
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze.
Catch it, Bin it, Kill it
Put used tissues in the bin straightaway
Wash your hands with soap and water often – use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water not available
Try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean
Do not share recorders
If you are unwell, remain at home
When and where does The Shrewsbury Consort of Recorders meet?
We meet under the direction of our Musical Director - Richard Duncan, twice a month in St Chad's Church Hall, next to St Chad's Church, 7.30pm to 9.30pm for the pleasure of playing a variety of multi-part recorder music.
New members of suitable age and ability are always welcome.
How do I join Shrewsbury Consort of Recorders (SCR)?
You must be 16 or over and be an already competent player.
For further information: Contact Us.
How much does it cost to become a member of the Shrewsbury Consort of Recorders?
The cost for joining the Consort is £40.00 per term (3x per year).
This pays for the hire of the hall and the Directors fees.
For newcomers, the first term is free as a trial period.
For information on joining the Consort, see the above question.
What do I look for when buying a recorder?
This is a very large and complex question.
We suggest that you contact The Early Music Shop in Yorkshire for advice (see our Related Sites page).
What music should I buy to get started?
For new players there are Beginners books available in music shops and online.
The music played at Shrewsbury Consort is always provided - this is usually music which has been specially arranged for the recorder group by our Musical Director or is from our extensive library.
Which is the best recorder to begin with?
The obvious choice is the descant, well known to most through school. A good plastic one will cost only a few pounds, will play in tune and is a good beginning to learning music and C fingering.
If you are enjoying playing and want to join a group, move up to a tenor recorder. It has the same fingering and it is easy to transfer between the two instruments.
I would like to learn to play the recorder. Will membership in the Shrewsbury Consort of Recorders help with this?
Shrewsbury Consort consists of members who are already competent recorder players and as such is not suitable for complete beginners.
There are several teachers to be found in the wider area (see local advertisements or in local publications eg. Shropshire Star, Stretton Focus in Church Stretton etc.).